On Wednesday morning, Brisbane awoke, yawned, stretched itself, then still in pyjamas, went sleepy-eyed for the paper. Followed a shock, for right across the sheet in startling, sensational headlines was announced the assassination of one of its more prominent citizens. Thereafter, all talk—over the breakfast table, in tram, trains, and bus, in office and in club—revolved round the sudden and tragic end of Mr. A. E. V. Whitford, ex-Labor member for Burrum. Only the previous evening, at about half-past 8, in ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 2,842 wordsThe dark pall of dusk was settling on the land, blotting out the last [?]gering traces of day. The swallows, making their aerial circlin[?] dropped ...
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Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900 - 1954), Sun 3 Feb 1924, Page 5
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