Trove will be unavailable between 8pm Friday 28 March to 11am Saturday 29 March for planned maintenance.Find out more
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    Detailed lists, results, guides : 176 words
  3. 'Talking Cars'

    Expen-ive. ;it around .-f.nno ,p i. a t,. price 1- certain to tall a- the demand in The-e unit- are a.-tmu-hinglv gnnd and tleo iit'l. doubt thev will soon be verv popular heiau-i th. take all thi- hard work out ol ii.iviu.itm_: in untumil lar terrain The current demand tor electrons uaviuat"i- come- troin rental car companm- and o'liuci tirm- ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 340 words
  4. NEWS Green Corps helps sand dunes

    GOOLWA - The Goolwa Coast care Group received the services of Green Corps workers last week as part of an ongoing environmental project being conducted on the South Coast. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 407 words
  5. Bridge case may go international

    G(K.VA Represen tatives of the Ngarrmdjeri Aborigines are considering challenging the legality of the Hindmarsh Island bridge on the international legal stage Ngarrindjen man Mr Darrell Sumner claims construction of the bridge between (ioolwa and Hind-marsh Island ...

    Article : 282 words
  6. Heavy demand for more water

    Thi' I'ichihi'- Office bus released fur- t hi i mi the $ IK million South (ii.t-t Water Supply Augmentation Pru- gt.un. reported last week ill 7ie Tinus The project . part of the government's promise of better water supplies to regional SA. will improve and boost water -applies to Victor Harbor, Goolwa. I'oil Elliot and Middleton ...

    Article : 318 words
  7. Beyond the Black Stump

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 6 words
  8. Advertising

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    Advertising : 19 words