November 23.--Jane Francis, barque, 390 tons, from London 19th July. November 24.--Statesman, ship, 874 tons, from Plymouth 29th August. ...
Article : 777 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 325 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 94 wordsTHE WAR RELIEF FUND.--Messrs. Hull and Hodgson, the trustees of this fund, have trans milted a draft of £1,500 to the Duke of Newcastle, as was minster, to be by him appropriated ...
Article : 66 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 100 wordsTHE contrast afforded by the peaceful aspect of Forest Creek, and the disturbed condition of Ballarat, might lead uninformed people to the conclusion that the grievances of which the ...
Article : 773 wordsWHEN Sir Charles Hotham made his first entry into the Colony he received a welcome which for cordiality was unprecedented in the history of Colonial ovations. The people were ...
Article : 760 wordsThese diggings seem to be going on with great spirit. Twenty-five horse days passed Stanbridge station on Wednesday last, and many bullock drays arrived during the week, ...
Article : 493 wordsWe have this week to report a decided improvement in trade. There is a larger and steadier demand for goods, and better prices are being realized. ...
Article : 568 wordsThe following information, to the 25th November, is supplied from official sources :--Avoca.--Nothing of importance during the past week. Some of the claims in the deep ...
Article : 1,304 wordsAt the opening of the Court this morning, Mr. Paynter called the attention of his Honor to the fact of there being no Bailiff of the Court, and the great inconvenience to which all parties were put ...
Article : 5,682 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Mount Alexander Mail (Vic. : 1854 - 1917), Fri 1 Dec 1854, Page 2
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