September 1.-- Flying Squirrel, schooner, 87 tons, Clinch, master, from Hobart Town. Passengers'--Mrs. Robins and child, Messrs, Lilly, Moody and Gilbert. Porter and While, agents. ...
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Advertising : 175 wordsTHE Sally Ann has brought No. 1 of lite Portland Mercury, and Nos. 1 and 2 of the Portland Guardian, the two new journals which have just sprung ...
Article : 2,212 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 534 wordsCOMMERCIAL FAILURE.--Wednesday deeply regret to have to announce to our readers the failure of the highly respectable mercantile house of Messrs. P.W. Welsh ...
Article : 2,748 wordsHis Honor the Resident Judge took his seat on the bench at 12 o'clock. Ex parte Simson and Darlot,---Mr. Croke said he had received instructions on the ...
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Port Phillip Patriot and Melbourne Advertiser (Vic. : 1839 - 1845), Mon 5 Sep 1842, Page 2
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