THIS is a lively and amusing satire set to easy and playful music. The effect, when " executed" with spirit, is exceedingly comic, especially at page 5, where the bass keeps ...
Article : 2,003 wordsThe Chief Commissioner delivered the following decision in this case : -- On Thursday, the 26th February, 1845, John Hosking applied for his certificate ...
Article : 934 wordsJohn Williams and John Ellison were placed at the bar, charged with robbery with force of arms at Mogong, about forty miles from Carcar. They were found guilty, and ...
Article : 120 wordsOn Saturday Mr. Councillor Smith applied for and obtained the recommendation of the Bench for a license for his new Theatre, which is to be styled. The Queen's ...
Article : 158 wordsThe Hobart Town papers report the case of a man named Phillip Markham, a prisoner, was apprehended about fourteen months ago, a few miles at the back of ...
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