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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 2,160 words
  3. Advertising

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    Advertising : 178 words

    Wednesday, July 7. —Te cutter Governor Gaxler, 25 tons, Underwood, master, from Port Lincoln. Thursday, July 8.—The barque Charles,, from Swan River. ...

    Article : 272 words

    BY the last arrivals from Sydney and Hobart Town we have English news to the 23rd February. Elsewhere we have given copious extracts, What is most likely immediately to interest our ...

    Article : 1,143 words
  6. To the Editor of the Adelaide Chronicle.

    SIR—In your last paper you inserted a letter from an emigrant who had been induced to remove from Adelaide to Launceston—or from out of the frying-pan into the fire. His letter confirms what ...

    Article : 520 words