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  2. Shipping Intelligence.

    November 30.--Johnstone, ship, Harrison, master, from Liverpool. Passengers-- Mr. and Mrs. Keon and child, and Messrs. James Glover, Charles Gainson P. S. Ormandy, Thomas Mills, ...

    Article : 634 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 206 words

    His Excellency Sir George Gipps has caused it to be intimated in the province that it is his intention to recommend to the Home Government, in the strongest ...

    Article : 192 words

    THE JOHNSTONE, which has made a very rapid passage, from Liverpool, brings English intelligence to the end of August, or nearly a month later than that we ...

    Article : 363 words
  6. Domestic Intelligence.

    THE A[?]LSA CASE.--The Sydney Judges have reversed the decision of his Honor the Resident Judge in the case of the Marquis of Ailsa and others against ...

    Article : 1,901 words

    Mr. Joseph Cowell Passmore applied for the transfer of the license of the Devonshire Arms, now in the possession, of Mr. Francis Clark. Granted. ...

    Article : 147 words
  8. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 2,470 words