Mr. "William Scragley was seated in the drawing room at Coomarang, alone. He had sought the seclusion that the reception room granted in order to think over events ...
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Advertising : 267 wordsThe Princess Melita sat by the window of her bower looking out on the Sunset Lake. There was a frown between her lovely brows, and she drummed with one ...
Article : 1,821 wordsMy Dear Comrades—Do you remember that about it year ago I wrote you an account of a very brave rescue of the crew of a trawler (the Hope, of Peterhead) by ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 129 wordsThis is the final scene in the play, and it. is pronounced the most beautiful. We are in the forest at night; Chantecler (M. Guitry) and the Hen Pheasant ([?]adame Simonc) are on their honeymoon. The Nightingale is singing, but is shot dead. The Hen Pheasant is jealous of Chantecler longing to go back to the farm. but he is disillusioned, and returns to the farmyard and to mundane life. The Pheasant, after being snared, is saved, and will be reduced to the humdrum position of ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 960 wordsThe latest Continental papers give fuller particulars of the death of Baron Otto Orban, who was torn to death by wolves in a forest in Transylvania, as briefly related ...
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Advertising : 169 wordsStand by to reckon tip your battleships— Ten, twenty, thirty, there they go! Brag about your cruisers like leviathans— A thousand men apiece down below! ...
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Evening Journal (Adelaide, SA : 1869 - 1912), Sat 19 Mar 1910, Page 6
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