WE learn that the members of seventy-four Divisional Boards—all in the colony but onehave been elected or appointed. The returns are not to hand from Inglewood Division yet. The ...
Article : 1,118 wordsMR. SERVICE, in addressing his constituents at Maldon to-night, said that the Government propose to introduce what is known as the Service Reform Scheme; but that no settlement ...
Article : 370 wordsTHE Queensland Museum will probably be open to the public in the course of a week, Mr. Haswell has now nearly completed the arrangement of the various specimens, though it must ...
Article : 724 wordsA LATE number of the Fiji Times contains an account of the experience of the labor schooner Agnes Donald in one of the late hurricanes in the South Seas. This vessel is commanded by ...
Article : 570 wordsAPPOINTMENTS.—William Field to be auditor for the municipality of Ipswich, for the purpose of completing the audit of the accounts for the year 1879. ...
Article : 342 wordsTHE first month of 1880 has been characterised by heavy rains, and the floods are higher than I have hitherto experienced during my residence here. As a consequence, grass is abundant, and ...
Article : 234 wordsA great deal of excitement has been caused by the announcement that Kanakas are to be re-introduced into the interior. It was the general impression here that some regulations ...
Article : 282 wordsHITHERTO this stopping-place for carriers, nearly midway between Mitchell and Charleville, has been known by the not very euphonious name of Sadleir's Waterhole. It received ...
Article : 238 wordsBUSINESS here, since my last, has not improved much, nor will it for some little time as far as I can see. However, I firmly believe that Port Douglas will ultimately be a place of importance, but ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 13 Mar 1880, Page 326
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