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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 200 words
  3. Farmers’ Union drive for membership

    Farmers who are not members of the Farmers’ Union are being urged to attend a series of country meetings ...

    Article : 386 words
  4. All lupins are susceptible to lupinosis

    Farmers were warned this week to remember the risk of lupinosis in sheep if summer rain dampened lupins ...

    Article : 394 words
  5. Western Australia’s first official long distance walking track

    Western Australia’s first officially named long distance walking track — from Kalamunda some 260 miles by foot ...

    Article : 221 words

    Rear Admiral Rudy Purwana, Commander of the Indonesian Fleet (left), with Rear Admiral A. M. Synnot, the Flag Officer Commanding the Australian Fleet, during Exercise Southern Cross off the New South Wales south ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 116 words
  7. The Man Who Created The Pavlova

    Constable Tony Sachse has recently been transferred to Narrogin as a member of the local force. Tony has a 75-year-old father who has earned something of a reputation as a chef, as it was he who invented the Pavlova cake, right ...

    Article : 348 words
  8. Advertising

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    Advertising : 68 words