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Detailed lists, results, guides : 103 wordsMR. R. MURRAY SMITH, Agent-General for Victoria, read a paper at the Colonial Institute, last night, on the subject of "An Australasian Dominion." The paper was ...
Article : 497 wordsReports in circulation to the effect that Cetywayo's death resulted from [?] The medical officer has been decided on held [?] [?] examination. ...
Article : 505 wordsThe Divisional Board election to-day resulted as follows:— Welh polled 123, white 1[?] Biggs 99, Morrie [?]6, Rawlins 82, Watson [?] informal 17. ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 16 Feb 1884, Page 241
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