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  2. Advertising

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    Advertising : 21 words
  3. Nationwide Protest At Qld Jailing Of Strike Leaders

    A storm of protest, carrying the threat of nationwide strikes, has been aroused by the jailing of Queensland rail strike heroes Mick Healy, Ted Englart and Max Julius. Spontaneous Flare ups in all States are reported as the Australian Labor movement swings into one of ...

    Article : 713 words
  4. Bill Wood Says

    RICE is so short that Australian housewives can’t get much of it. It has to be exported to Malaya, they are ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 461 words
  5. No Title

    This luxurious combination double garage and chauffeur’s quarters are part of a £30,000 mansion being built for English textile magnate, Mr. H. Carter, in a secluded Newport backwater. The garages and quarters measure about 600 square feet while the completed house will cover nearly three times the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 65 words
  6. £30,000 Luxury Home Absorbs 60,000 Bricks

    A thirty thousand pound luxury home — covering three times the permitted area of 1250 square feet — is being built in Prince Alfred Parade, Salt Pan Cove, Newport. OWNER-BUILDER is Mr. H. ...

    Article : 294 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 48 words



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