Why is a unwelcome visitor like a shady tree? We're glad when he leaves. Why is a beggar unlike a baker? Because one needs his bread before he raises it, and ...
Article : 344 wordsDEAR SIR,—His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has, generally, received the credit of being a good scribe; and from the freedom with which he appeared to use the pen, it has been supposed ...
Article : 1,484 wordsThe usual weekly meeting of this Association took place on Tuesday evening, at the Black Horse, Leigh-street. On the motion of Mr Bryan, seconded by Mr ...
Article : 1,080 wordsOn the order of the day for considering the Lords' amendments upon this bill, Mr Scott asked whether it was the intention of the Government to assent to all the amendments ...
Article : 3,045 wordsOne day in Chelsea fields a-walking, Of poetry and such things talking, Says Ralph, a merry wag, "An epigram, if smart and good, ...
Article : 325 wordsDimes and dollars! dollars and dimes! An empty pocket's the worst of crimes! If a man's down give him a thrust—Trample the beggar into the dust! ...
Article : 569 wordsThe Brothers of the "Cotter's Pride Court" of the Ancient Order of Foresters held their First Anniversary on Friday evening, the 1st inst., at Mr Bay field's O. G., Gilles Plains. ...
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Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Sat 9 Nov 1850, Page 8
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