Mr. MITCHELL, chairman of committees, in the absence of the President through illness, took the chair at 25 minutes past 4 o'clock. PAPERS. ...
Article : 17,671 wordsThe largest fire that has occurred in the city of Melbourne for many years past took place early yesterday morning at the wellknown place of amusement the Varieties, in ...
Article : 3,874 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 17 wordsThe business transacted to-day was firmer, and there was a more general improvement in the market, with numbers of buyers unsupplied at the close. The Hepburn stocks ...
Article : 948 wordsMr. Candler held an inquest on Tuesday at Pentridge Stockade on the body of James Smith, aged 27 years. Deceased was admitted on the 27th April last, sentenced to 12 months ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wed 6 Jul 1870, Page 7
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