A meeting of shareholders in the Great Northern Monarch Silver Mining Syndicate was held at the York Hotel last evening to consider a proposal to add to their property ...
Article : 1,340 wordsThe liqui[?] of the Broken Hill North Silver Mining Company, which is being voluntarily wound up, applied to the Equity Court to day for instructions as to what he should do ...
Article : 159 wordsIt was rumored on Thursday afternoon that Captain Piper had accepted the position of manager of the Beltana Broken Hill property, but the report was groundless. The directors ...
Article : 2,337 wordsA meeting of the Mount Bryan Ranges Mining Association was held on Thursday at the office of the secretary, Mr. C. J. Shuttleworth, Waterhouse Chambers, Mr. R. Cooper ...
Article : 250 wordsSir—Just another drop to the flood of correspondence flowing [?]ent the stones recently found in Australia. The petty retailing of [?]cot st[?] at present adopted can never satisfactorily dispose of ...
Article : 191 wordsSix-Your correspondent, "A Late Shareholder," has evidently little faith in the spec which be has cone into, and still less faith in the certificate which has been presented in the balance-sheet issued to ...
Article : 143 wordsSir—Noticing a corres[?] in your columns re the above mines, I was struck with much force by one, "Unfortunate Shareholder," who simply asks why the four claims are laid out in one direction. The ...
Article : 272 wordsSir—Had "A Late Shareholder" confined himself this morning to a simple statement that be was interested in no way in the rise and fall of shares, I should have been perfectly satisfied, but when he, ...
Article : 572 wordsSir—I have noticed some comments in your daily papers bearing on the above mine, and one signed by "A Late Shareholder" 1 take to come from a person who wishes the shares to come down, as be no doubt ...
Article : 205 wordsSir—Mr. Streeter's opinion on the value of our rubies is to be doubted for the following reasons assigned by your correspondents, viz., that he is interested in the Burmah ruby mines. I believe (your ...
Article : 304 wordsSir—I would be the last to decry any of the products of South Australia, but the opinion about the "rubies" given in Mr. Streeter's letter has been verified by others. A Melbourne lapidary, after cutting ...
Article : 294 wordsThe Sydney E[?] News publishes the following cablegram from its London correspondent, dated London. March 11, giving particulars of the prize fight at Chantilly, in ...
Article : 1,645 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 386 wordsThe New York correspondent of the Daily News sends particulars of the murder of Mr. Snell, the Chicago millionaire, which he says is one of the most startling instances of a ...
Article : 560 wordsA shocking discovery was made in the house of a man named Samuel Hill Derby, in Garfield-street, Salford, on February 3. In consequence of the non-appearance of any ...
Article : 1,235 wordsA sale of miscellaneous leases was Held at the Government Land Office on Thursday, Much 15. There was a good attendance of buyers, and a fair proportion of the leases ...
Article : 926 wordsThe city coroner held an inquest at the Elephant and Cattle Hotel on Thursday morning on the remains of a man fount hanging to a tree near the Eagle-on-he-Hill on ...
Article : 612 wordsConsidering that Broken Hill has a population of upwards of 8,000, and is steadily growing in commercial importance, the place so far as its public contract for 50 feet is being satisfactorily proceeded with. c[?]ning has been done on the Mount Lake South, revealing the lode to a good ...
Article : 1,335 wordsPresent—The Mayor (Mr. J. Cleave), and Crs. Weise, J. Bains, C. Hains Rofe, Bridgman, Mattinson, Wilks, Widdop, Wright, Wallace, and Kestrel, the toWn clerk (Mr. ...
Article : 513 wordsPresent—The chairman (Mr. J. Cleave), and Messrs, Weise. J. Hains, C. Hains, Rofe, Bridgman, Mattinson, Wilks, Widdop, Wright, Wallace, and Kestel, and the town ...
Article : 169 wordspresent—Mr. John Formby (chairman), Captaine McCoy, Smith, and Legoe, Messrs. J. Neill and H.C.E. Muecke (wardens), and Mr. T.N. Stephens (secretary). ...
Article : 853 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Fri 16 Mar 1888, Page 6
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