The terra-cotta factory of Messrs. Jas. Campbell and Sons, at the Albion, about half-a-mile from the Breakfast Creek Bridge, is the only one of the kind in Australia which ...
Article : 1,400 wordsA considerable amount of discussion has recently taken place in the Press as to the best means of dealing with the Queensland aborigines with a view to improving their ...
Article : 1,515 wordsHis Excellency the Administrator of the Government, with the advice of the Executive Council, has just approved of the revised Railway Coaching By-Law, Railway Traffic ...
Article : 895 wordsOn the 7th February last the following paragraph appeared in the Bundaberg Star with regard to a movement that is being started to induce Italians to immigrate to this colony:— ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 7 Mar 1891, Page 463
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