A good deal of interest has (says the Auckland Herald) been excited of late respecting twin apples. It would appear that this malformation of fruit is ...
Article : 191 wordsSAYS a London correspondent:--Dr. Johnson saw in the brewer's business potential wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. But Dr. Johnson ...
Article : 270 wordsFriday, March 13, was the 10th anniversary of the awful day when Alexander H. was murdered in his carriage as he was driving back to his ...
Article : 828 wordsTHE Melrose Amateur Dramatic Club, of which I was stage-manger, had decided to make their first public appearance in Robertson's comedy, ...
Article : 1,696 wordsProf. Liebreich lectured on Feb. 25 before the Berlin Medical Society on his remedy for tuberculosis. It is very simple--viz., cantharidine of potash. ...
Article : 122 wordsThe Refue des Deux Mondes prints an important and interesting study of the Jewish nation. It. comes appropriately in conjunction with the recent ...
Article : 244 wordsIT is wonderful how slight a thing will save a drowning man's life. An oar thrown overboard will buoy him up--a thing scarcely thicker than a ...
Article : 192 wordsTHE Melbourne "Society" paper Table Talk tells the following story:--"Some people are very hard to kill, and young Renton, an English ...
Article : 194 wordsA WRITER in the Editoral columns of the Tamworth Observer makes the following trenchant reference to the land monopoly of New South Wales, ...
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