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  2. Twin Apples.

    A good deal of interest has (says the Auckland Herald) been excited of late respecting twin apples. It would appear that this malformation of fruit is ...

    Article : 191 words
  3. Brewer's Wealth.

    SAYS a London correspondent:--Dr. Johnson saw in the brewer's business potential wealth beyond the dreams of avarice. But Dr. Johnson ...

    Article : 270 words
  4. How the late Czar was Murdered.

    Friday, March 13, was the 10th anniversary of the awful day when Alexander H. was murdered in his carriage as he was driving back to his ...

    Article : 828 words

    THE Melrose Amateur Dramatic Club, of which I was stage-manger, had decided to make their first public appearance in Robertson's comedy, ...

    Article : 1,696 words
  6. A Remedy for Tuberculosis.

    Prof. Liebreich lectured on Feb. 25 before the Berlin Medical Society on his remedy for tuberculosis. It is very simple--viz., cantharidine of potash. ...

    Article : 122 words
  7. The Jewish Nation

    The Refue des Deux Mondes prints an important and interesting study of the Jewish nation. It. comes appropriately in conjunction with the recent ...

    Article : 244 words
  8. The Helping Hand.

    IT is wonderful how slight a thing will save a drowning man's life. An oar thrown overboard will buoy him up--a thing scarcely thicker than a ...

    Article : 192 words
  9. "Saved!"

    THE Melbourne "Society" paper Table Talk tells the following story:--"Some people are very hard to kill, and young Renton, an English ...

    Article : 194 words
  10. Land Monopoly of New South Wales.

    A WRITER in the Editoral columns of the Tamworth Observer makes the following trenchant reference to the land monopoly of New South Wales, ...

    Article : 395 words