The Manchester Unity Order of Oddfellows, which is the most influential of the Oddfellows' societies in Victoria, held their annual fe[?] yesterday in the Friendly Societies, ...
Article : 5,749 wordsThe people of Melbourne are always ready to enjoy themselves, and to take and keep a holiday on the smallest provocation. Christmas time ever finds them disposed to ...
Article : 6,444 wordsThe annual race meeting of the Lillydale Turf Club was held yesterday, on the racecourse in the neighbourhood of the pretty little village of Lillydale. The event created ...
Article : 1,587 wordsChristmas and Boxing Day was celebrated in the usual manner, except that there were no amusements in town, and the streets had a remarkably quiet appearance. There were, ...
Article : 374 wordsA peculiar and somewhat difficult case occupied the attention of the Ararat Local Land Board on Tuesday last: Our correpondent sends us the following report of the ...
Article : 574 wordsMr Candler held an inquest on the 23rd inst., at Brunswick on the body of Charles George White aged six years, the son of Mrs. White a widow, living at Brunswick. ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 27 Dec 1873, Page 6
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