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    Only on very rare occasions do we see such an arresting array of galloping talent doing battle in the two-year-old events, as is the case this season. Indeed so close together are the top-notchers, that they have got the local racing fraternity all agog waiting for the clashes of the cracks in the Classics of the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 597 words
  3. Advertising

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    Advertising : 51 words
  4. Advertising

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    Advertising : 6 words
  5. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words
  6. Chatasan---Waxwings Smart Gallopers

    Very little inferior to Plana in the summer were Waxwings and Chatasan. The former was beaten by a whisker in the ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 376 words
  7. Willow Dene Consistent and a Weight Carrier

    Because of his Fulham Park Plate win Willow Dene has always been called upon to lump a welterweight and, back ...

    Article : 117 words
  8. Four Potential Stayers

    Renown, Rainbar, Glamour Lad, Sunflash—any one of the four catches the eye in a classic connection, but first let us ...

    Article : 387 words
  9. “Sport’s” Meal Ticket IS THE PUNTER’S MENU

    {No abstract available} [ILLUSTRATED]

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 462 words
  10. 21 Winners In 33 Races!

    Have you backed 21 winners in the last five weeks? Well, this is your chance to start on a record winning series yourself. ...

    Article : 214 words

    Tomorrow the eleventh series of 1940 League Football matches will be decided. The teams engaged met previously this year in the first series of games---winners on that occasion being West Adelaide, Norwood, Port ...

    Article : 512 words
  12. Advertising

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    Advertising : 55 words
  13. Advertising

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    Advertising : 28 words
  14. Advertising

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    Advertising : 1 words