Duke Foote is a bay horse, 5yr., by Sir Foote, by Sir Hugo from dam by Galopin. Dam: Ortelle (imp.), by Orvieto from Cheery, by St. Simon. Bred by Mr. John Brown; ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 901 wordsThe Illawarra Racing Club will cater for racegoers to-morrow (Tuesday) with a meeting which promises to be a great success. The entries are large, and course is in good ...
Article : 1,911 words"After his long and often difficult reign in the chair which Delane made famous, Mr. Buckle retires from the editorship of the "Times" with the complete respect of all who ...
Article : 683 wordsWith a record of ten years before the mast as an able seaman, and 15 years a wild-beast hunter in the wilds of Africa, Mr. Ellis S. Joseph, who claims to have no particular ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 2,242 wordsWandra, str., 150 tons, Captain Anderson, from South Coast ports, 1.46 a.m. Alien Taylor and Co., agents. Arawatta, str., 2240 tons. Captain Johnson, ...
Article : 2,244 wordsThere has been very heavy booking for the first nights of the McEwen season of mirth and mystery opening at the Sydney Town Hall to-morrow evening. A rush for seats ...
Article : 113 wordsSince the opening of the new tram depot at Tempe the department has made several alterations to the time-table on the Cook's River line, with the result that the first ...
Article : 114 wordsThe Kenthurst School of Arts is to benefit from a successful fruit and flower show which was opened on Saturday. Mr. Hunt, in opening the show, said the Government was ...
Article : 149 wordsNow that passengers are prohibited from riding on the footboards of our trams, which is a very good by-law, both for the public and the conductors, I think the Tramway ...
Article : 238 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Mon 30 Sep 1912, Page 5
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