The astronomical positions of the following lighthouses and coastal towns, as determined by the officers of the trigonometrical survey during the progress of their operations for the ...
Article : 225 wordsMessrs. Mathieson and Johnston, Railway Commissioners, accompanied by the Chief Engineer, the General Traffic Manager, and the Locomotive Engineer, returned to Brisbane ...
Article : 383 wordsThe directors of the Queensland Meat Export and Agency Company, Limited, are issuing the following report to shareholders, and it is to be duly submitted at a meeting to be held on the ...
Article : 967 wordsMany of his former schoolfellows and other old friends in Queensland will hear with deep regret of the death, announced on Tuesday, of Hector Wilson, of Vectis. Mr. Wilson, who was ...
Article : 406 wordsThe Police Court was occupied nearly the whole of to-day in hearing the case arising out of the dynamite outrage at the Queenslander mine which occurred on Christmas Day. The ...
Article : 309 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 58 wordsAlthough the traffic on the Queensland railways for the past month has not been all that could be desired, still it is very satisfactory to note that the past six months show ...
Article : 357 wordsAn impression seems to have prevailed (says the Sydney Daily Telegraph of the 9th instant), even in quarters usually well informed, that the " Wild Australia" Show, which has been on ...
Article : 1,718 wordsTowards the close of last year there was a decided stir in shipping circles, and the river began gradually to assume an animated and busy appearance. On the 23rd December the ...
Article : 955 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 14 Jan 1893, Page 82
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