"When contrasted with the rest of Martin-place the top end is a disgrace," said Sir John Butters' yesterday. "It is impossible to take any pride in Parliament House, and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 899 words"Lip-tips" is the name of the very newest "silly symphony" from America, just being wafted into our beauty shoppes on the first spring (according to Fashion) zephyr. Since Miss 1939 has to change her facial decorative scheme, it ...
Article : 84 wordsNo change is likely in egg prices for a few weeks, according to the chairman of the Egg Board, Mr. F. O. French, but the ...
Article : 204 wordsTragedy marked a shooting contest between two mates in Amusement Park at Wanganui this ...
Article : 57 wordsMessrs. Thompson, Bradfield, and Fincham, of Sydney, solicitors for certain shareholders in Peters American Delicacy Co., Ltd., who are ...
Article : 53 wordsBy A Staff Reporter Marjorie Lawrence says she knew all the time. Well, maybe. My own ...
Article : 724 words{No abstract available}
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The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), Sun 23 Jul 1939, Page 5
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