For over half a century Britain has had a continuing experiment in housing reform. This is the Bournville Estate, on the outskirts of the great city Birmingham, which was founded in 1895 ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 897 wordsThese three and four room maisonettes which let at a rental of 11/6 per week are more popular than flats as they provide gardens and play space for children away from the streets. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 35 wordsAn aerial and genera! view of Bournville works and village, Birmingham. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 13 wordsAn annexe to the Women's Hospital, Crown Street, which is the first of its kind in Australia, was opened by the Governor, Lieutenant-General Northcott, at "Canonbury," Darling Point, Sydney. ...
Article : 127 wordsHow many Australians know anything of the first journalistic efforts in Australia? George Howe is the man responsible for our first efforts in this direction. He came to N.S.W ...
Article : 187 wordsThe United States Department of Agriculture been recently experimenting, with considerable success, on the growing of cuttings of woody plants in basements, with fluorescent lamps to take ...
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Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), Wed 7 May 1947, Page 4
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