The lonely trader in caravan of ancient days that set out on his long journey over the desert, to take back gold and gems and scarves; the famous argosies that set later forth from Ragusa and ...
Article : 1,103 wordsWe illustrate a perspective view showing the Nurses' Home and boiler house in the proposed new Royal Melbourne Hospital that is to be erected at Parkville, as seen from Sydney Road. A Bill to enable the hospital to borrow £500,000 was introduced into the Victorian Legislative Assembly last month by the Treasurer. The Architects are Stephenson £ Turner and W.A.M. Blackett. (Block courtesy of Journal of Royal Victorian Institute of Architects). ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 81 wordsThe North Sydney Council Chambers have been remodelled and considerably enlarged—a new block approximately equal in size to the present building having been erected. The design of the existing part has been continued in the new section, which contains a spacious entrance hall panelled in Queensland maple, which forms an appropriate setting for the Great War Honor Roll, while the ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), Wed 10 Aug 1938, Page 9
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