A man in an obscure town, whose literary efforts had failed to And favor, sent this letter to an editor:--"Dear Sir: This is a small place where I live and whenever a story ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 2,394 wordsProfessor Brander Matthews is delivering' a series of lectures on Moliere before the Lowell Institute, Boston (U.S.A.), There good reports of his story of Moliere, the ...
Article : 1,300 wordsA comparison between the English schoolboy and the German was drawn by the Rev. E. Lyttelton, headmaster of Eton, in a recent speech at Slough (Eng.). Three ...
Article : 335 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 9 wordsIt is given to the lot of few to be able to compile such a brilliant record of friendships as appears in "Memories of Half a Century," by R. C. Lehmann, M.P. There ...
Article : 1,158 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 323 wordsThe chird-mind is absolutely fresh and alert. It is to the adult mind as is the plastic clay to the baked brick. It is not already overlaid with impressions; It is not ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 302 wordsAutobiography is very much in the air at present, and so it is not surprising that Adelina patt[?] has succumbed, to the at the "Strand Magazine," and given in the ...
Article : 636 wordsScott had no ear for music. In his boy hood his mother, anxious thai her your family should be able to sing at least the Scottish psalm tunes aright, called in the ...
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The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), Sat 30 Jan 1909, Page 7
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