"I am tired," said Sir John Bigham, on March 14, from the president's seat, in which he sat for the last time in the London Divorce Court. The president's voice was ...
Article : 1,065 wordsDrs. Zabloudovsky and Tatarinov, of Moscow, claim to have discovered a new method of disinfecting the hands of the surgeon, which, according to their ...
Article : 187 wordsMrs. Whetham, speaking on "Heredity in the family," to the girl students at Bedford College, said, "Dig out all your family skeletons. Your relatives will probably be ...
Article : 124 wordsTwenty-one years ago the warships of the nations were hastening to Samoa, as rival chiefs were at war, and each country was anxious to back its own man (says a ...
Article : 1,334 wordsKind Old Gentleman: "What's the matter, my little man?" Little Boy: "Boo -- ooh! I'm so c -- c -- c -- old." Kind Old Gentleman: "Well, why don't you go indoors?" Little Boy: "'Cos muvver says she'll warm me if I does." ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 39 wordsIt really looks as if London this year were destined to be pre-eminently the city of open-air amusements, and, wind and weather permitting, the gayest metropolis in the ...
Article : 350 wordsM. Ota, the chief of the police in Tokio, who is now visiting Paris, says that the Japanese police have an easier time than their confreres in Europe. Crime in the land of ...
Article : 122 wordsThe whole world has smiled, or sighed, over that extraordinary diary in which Louis XVI. entered, day after day, what seemed to him best worth recording and membering. ...
Article : 556 wordsA correspondent writes to the Glasgow "Herald": At the time of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897, there were 15 or 16 women living in Tranent who had worked ...
Article : 170 wordsProfessor W. E. Dixon, of Cambridge, has an article in the March "Nineteenth Century" which seems to run counter to the teaching of the most modern medical ...
Article : 330 wordsYou needn't try to frighten [?]e, George -- I heard your footsteps." ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 11 wordsMr. George Grossmith, jun., has for many years been associated with the old and new Gaiety Theatres in London, where he has figured conspicuously in a ...
Article : 1,176 wordsHusband: Ere, I say, where's all the milk gone?" Wife: "Why, the kid 's 'ad it fer, is supper!" Husband: "Well, dang it, what do yer suppose the poor little tyke's goin' to 'ave then?" ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 46 wordsI shouldn't like my son to go in for journalism; there are so many dangers and temptations, which only a strong nature can resist. There is a constant temptation to ...
Article : 487 wordsIn the old days grace was said before and after dinner. I do not know that the ceremony was very edifying, but it was traditional and respectable. Bishop Wilberfore, ...
Article : 674 wordsOh, the long lanes of England, Through the summer sunland go, Oh, the long lanes of England Please my heart and fancy so; ...
Article : 175 words{No abstract available}
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The Star (Sydney, NSW : 1909 - 1910), Sat 30 Apr 1910, Page 14
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