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  2. Government Gazette Notices

    Government House, Canberra, 8th June, 1950. THE King has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty's Birthday, to confer the...

    Government Gazette Notices : 472 words
  3. Government Gazette Notices

    Government House, Canberra, 8th June, 1950. THE KING lias been graciously pleaded, 011 the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty's Birthday, to confer...

    Government Gazette Notices : 52 words
  4. Government Gazette Appointments and Employment

    Government House, Canberra, 8th June, 1950. THE KING has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of His Majesty's Birthday, to approve of...

    Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 65 words