Mr. A. E. Wallace, the naturalsit, contributes to the Contemporary an article on New Guinea and its inhabitants, in which he has condensed the latest and most trustworthy ...
Article : 3,119 wordsIn point of variety and extent it may be fairly doubted whether there is any prospect in this part of Australia to equal that winch is visible on a clear day from the tower on ...
Article : 1,079 wordsSir,—The gentlemen recently appointed to fix on a suitable site for the much-wanted new cemetery have quite overlooked the 1,800 acres of Crown land near Dandenong at ...
Article : 191 wordsEven amongst people who are not politicians, in the sense of making a business of politics, a good deal of concern is expressed as to the reassembling of Parliament and ...
Article : 3,079 wordsThe Union Jack and the cricket-bat are almost inseparable companions and in this secluded colony cricket is no novelty; but of late we have had the pleasure of seeing ...
Article : 1,797 wordsAn inquest was held to-day, before Mr. Heron, P.M., on the body of Wm. Crabbe, who was mortally hurt in a publichouse brawl on Saturday, March 15, and lingered in a state ...
Article : 217 wordsThe annual meeting took place to-day, and was very well attended, fully 1,200 persons being present. The weather was cool and pleasant, and although it threatened rain ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tue 15 Apr 1879, Page 7
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