Your eyes, my sweetest Daisy, own the hue A German singer erstwile gave to slyness; They are not black, my dear, nor brown, nor blue, And never droop from shyness. ...
Article : 192 wordsWe had left the drought-stricken Darling country four hundred miles behind us, and had made our toilful way over the perished plains of the Bogan and the dwindled Macquarie's ...
Article : 2,342 wordsYet a few days and Gerald Aspen was out of danger. Yet a few days more and he would be well enough to see his friends. Fidelia's mind, which at first had centred all its attention on ...
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The Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Sat 12 Aug 1893, Page 305
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