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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 341 words
  3. History Of Macleay And Early Pioneers

    The original Commissioner's station for the Macleay was established at Belgrave Falls, and remains of the court house were still standing in 1878. The police headquarters were also at Belgrave Falls, although there was an outpost at Nulla Nulla. This is disclosed in the fourth part of the early history of the Macleay and pioneers. ...

    Article : 1,539 words

    The above graphic picture of Stuart Street, Central Kempsey, taken after the great flood of 1893, conveys a vivid impression of the great immersion of Kempsey in this flood. The photograph is in the possession of Mr. Hedley Harvey, and was prepared for press purposes by Earl McNeil. Flood debris can be seen clinging to the battered cyprus in the foreground, and beyond, to the left, can be seen the remains of broken buildings and a small cottage washed ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 131 words
  5. Goods For Purchase By Dollar Loan

    CANBERRA--The Minister for Customs (Senator O'Sullivan) has issued a concise list of goods for which ...

    Article : 262 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 290 words



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