The resolutions passed by the Farmers and Settlers' Conference at Tamworth were presented lo Ministers yesterday by a very large deputation, headed by Mr. T. Brown, M.H.R ...
Article : 2,299 wordsA large deputation, appointed by the Farmers and Settlers' Conference, which recently sat at Tamworth, waited upon the Hallway Commissioners yesterday. ...
Article : 1,507 wordsJohn Tear, laborer, of Tourang. Mr. Palmer, official assignee. Arthur Dudley Pegus, maildriver, 21 Napier- street. Paddington, Mr. rainier, official assignee. ...
Article : 29 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 79 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 23 wordsAt the Central Court, before Mr. T. Mair, S.M., Albert Hunt (22), tinsmith, was charged with stealing a horse, sulky, and a set of harness, valued in all at £10 10s the property of James D. Higgs, on June 29. ...
Article : 204 wordsArthur Cross (21), groom, charged at the Central Court. before Mr. J. Mair, S..M., with inciting a prisoner to resist -Constable Barnes, whilst in the execution on his duty. He was fined £2, with the option of 14 days' ...
Article : 60 wordsBefore Mr. J. Mair. S.M., at the Central Court, George Thompson (37), laborer, was charged with attempting to steal a gold watch and chain from the person whoso name is unknown, on July 10. Accused was committed ...
Article : 71 wordsAt the North Sydney Court, before Mr. C.-N. Peyton, S.M., Sub-inspceter Robinson proceeded by summons against Herbert Shore, a grocer, carrying on business at Hen Boyd-road, Neutral Hay, for selling on July 12th, ...
Article : 168 wordsAt the North Sydney Court, before Mr. C. N. Pay ten, S.M., Peter Willis, a painter. 57 years of age, was charged with that he did on July 10th, 1901, at North Sydney, about the hour of 12.30 a.m. break and enter ...
Article : 193 wordsThomas Lovel Rothwell (16), n draper, was charged on remand at the North Sydney Court with having in his possession 44 linen handkerchiefs, five silk handker chiefs seven pairs of kid gloves six pairs pf cuffs, sixteen ...
Article : 70 wordsAt the Water Police Court, George Baking Maddox was senienceed to three months' imprisonment for obtaining 16s from .Jas. a. Quinn, licensee of the Coffee Palace Hotel, Lower Domain, by means of a valueless ...
Article : 47 wordsThere are few residents of St. Peters and Its neighboring suburbs to whom Mrs. Jane Booty, Sergeant in Hie Salvation Army, and her good work, are not known. Many years of Mrs. Booty's life have been spent in a commendable ...
Article : 587 wordsWhat appears to be a serious shipping disaster at the Islands is reported by Captain Henry, of the Island trading steamer Archer, which arrived yesterday morning from tho Islands. ...
Article : 501 wordsThe Federal Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Australia and Tasmania will hold its final meeting in St. Stephen's Church, Phillip-street, on Tuesday next, at 7 p.m., when ...
Article : 692 wordsThe want of a bridge near Prospect Creek, which forms the boundary between the municipality of Prospect, and Sherwood and. that of Smith field and Fairfield, has long been felt, and ...
Article : 141 wordsThe following have been elected officers of the Granville School of Arts for the ensuing year:-- President, Dr. Kerr; vice-prestdents, Messrs. A. Lenox W. Wilkins, L. Russell, and W. Kolman ...
Article : 190 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 23 wordsEntries tire to close at 5 p.m. to-day for the Kensington Club's meeting of the 24th inst. Die programs is made up of: 13.3 Handicap, 25 sovs., six fur- longs; 14.1 Handicap, 25 sovs"., five furlong: Trial Welter ...
Article : 2,166 wordsMr. P. H. Marlon has been advised by cable that the English bred stallion Vendetta has been purchased for the Russley Stud, and is already on his way here. Taking Vendetta either on his pedigree or performances, he is a ...
Article : 521 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 331 wordsThe final stages of the Sydney Coursing Club's Cup and the Doonside Stakes took place at Rooty-hill yesterday. Excellent weather prevailed and the sport all round has rarely been surpassed. The hares were so good that of 30 set loose only two killed. The ...
Article : 1,012 wordsOn Wednesday afternoon, at the Warwick plumpton, the Queensland Cup resulted in a win for the New South Wales heuad, Messrs. E. and A. L. Hadle's blue Blue Heather, by Leopold-- Besant. Blue Heather, who is a ...
Article : 105 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 207 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 441 wordsThe return match between New South Wales and Queensland, under Rugby Union rules, will he played to-morrow at the Agricultural Society' Ground, and after the strong allowing of the victors against the ...
Article : 268 wordsA smoke concert for the benefit of Carson, the old Pirates' and representative player,. who has been in broken health for some time past, was held last night at the Protestant hall and there was a large gathering of ...
Article : 95 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 254 wordsThe champion of champions competition winner for this season, Mr. J. Bradbury, had a slice of luck with regard for the safety of his trophy which narrowly cleaned destruction in the great Hay[?]ket fire. the trophy, ...
Article : 295 wordsLovers of billiards will have another opportunity to-day of seeing the world's champion, Mr. John Roberts, again at work manipulating the ivories in his own marvellous fashion, for at 3 o'clock he will commence an ...
Article : 114 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 67 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 61 wordsThe Willoughby Council is renewing the campaign against people who ride or drive on the footpaths of the borough, aud its officers have received: instructions to be no respecters of ...
Article : 155 wordsSir,--In an article in your issue of to-day I notice that the town of Harden is given as an example of a municipality that approaches in extent a local government area. This is altogether ...
Article : 260 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 183 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), Fri 19 Jul 1901, Page 8
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