The Cup carnaval season was opened on Saturday in what seemed to be a satisfactory manner. In the forenoon the weather was bright and sunny, and there was every ...
Article : 5,222 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 276 wordsThe entries for the intercolonial lawn tennis championship, to be held during the Horicultural Flower show, on the Melbourne ground next week, close today at th secretary's office, No.1 Exchange, ...
Article : 94 wordsBy the arrival of the s.s. Cotopaxi, of the Orient line, we have our London files and correspondence to the 17th September, We give the following from the ...
Article : 2,322 wordsThe series of Sunday afternoon services in aid of the building fund of the Church of England was continued yesterday afternoon in St. Paul's Church. The sermon was ...
Article : 621 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 252 wordsThis society's annual exhibition of horticultural productions and poultry was held on Saturday afternoon at the Arrillery Paradeground, North Brighton. By special ...
Article : 2,838 wordsThe match between the first elevens of these clubs was resumed on Saturday last on th East Melbourne [?]round, and resulted in an easy victory for Carlton by [?]1 runs and four wickets to spare. Trott playd a ...
Article : 510 wordsThe final reces for the Ya[?]ra Yarra Clubs trial fours were rowed during the week, producing some excellent contests. The rows off resulted in R. Grant's beating o'Ne[?]'s crew, Beal's cr[?]w succumbing to [?] ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 1 Nov 1880, Page 6
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