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    Department of Immigration, Canberra, A.C.T. 25th September, 1964. CERTIFICATES OF NATURALIZATION. THE Minister of State for Immigration has granted...

    Government Gazette Notices : 1,818 words
  3. THE NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA. Crown Lands Ordinance 1931-1964.

    THE NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA. Crown Lands Ordinance 1931-1964, J^J"OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned lease has been forfeited for the...

    Government Gazette Notices : 77 words
  4. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Quarantine Act 1908-1961.

    DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Quarantine Act 1908-1961. PLANT. HIS Excellency, the Governor-General in Council has appointed Herbert Alfred Nicholls as a Quarantine...

    Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 45 words
  5. DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT. Australian Coastal Shipping Commission Act 1956-1962.

    DEPARTMENT OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT. Australian Coastal Shipping Commission Act 1956-1962. HIS Excellency the Governor-General in Council in pursuance of the...

    Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 68 words

    APPOINTMENT ANI> ABOLITION OF POLLING PLACES. THE polling places specified hereunder are appointed for the Division set out and prescribed for the Subdivision...

    Government Gazette Notices : 129 words
  7. Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act 1946-1958. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA.

    Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act 1946-1958. LOCAL COMMITTEES IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. IN pursuance of the Tradesmen's Rights Regulation Act 1946-1958, I,...

    Government Gazette Appointments and Employment : 103 words