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Advertising : 733 wordsTHERE was once a stubborn-minded old lady who, when taken to the Zoological Gardens and shown the giraffe, declared: "I don't believe it." ...
Article : 849 wordsSir,-- I see that a cookery lecturer is travelling on the Better Farming Train. is it not possible for this system of travelling instruction, which has proved so ...
Article : 118 wordsSir,--It is very amusing to hear that this keep to left of path regulation is to be enforced. From my own observations, notice that the footpaths are hot anything ...
Article : 89 wordsSir,--Whilst the mutter of State Public Service pensions is being considered, why is it that the tramway service is not included? ...
Article : 93 wordsLet our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. ...
Article : 30 wordsSir,--I should like to appeal through your columns for a more efficient bus service on Sundays, between 10 a.m. and 11. All those who desire to attend church ...
Article : 136 wordsSir,--May I be allowed a rejoinder to Dean Hart's explanation that clergy would preach better sermon, if parishioners spared them organisation work? If the clergy ...
Article : 145 wordsSir,--Some two or three weeks ago a statement appeared in the Herald to the effect that the Commonwealth Electoral Department was willing to issue copies of the ...
Article : 124 wordsLabor is making unavailing efforts to dissociate itself from Communists. The Brisbane Trades and Labor Council has refused to evict the Communists from the Trades Hall. [?] after consultation, to express the views of The Herald, by s. G. Wells, 62 Flinders street. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 51 wordsMR ALLAN, our State Premier, is an optimist--a happy, care-free leader if ever there was one. Slow progress in the House, failure of the Government to ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,155 wordsIT would hardly be true to say that Sydney is losing interest in racing, but this branch of sport is [?] ...
Article : 792 wordsOCTOBER 9.--The valor of builder, is known to everyone. They have [?] met fear. In a paper on the ants of Victoria. Mr John Clark, a great authority ...
Article : 100 words{No abstract available}
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The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Fri 9 Oct 1925, Page 4
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