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Detailed lists, results, guides : 234 wordsTHE Mineral Statistics for 1865, which have just been laid before Parliament, differ in little or nothing from those issued in previous years, save in greater ...
Article : 6,188 wordsAPPOINTMENTS.--Charles Conway Kerr, of Bairnsdale, to be deputy electoral registrar at Bairnsdale for the eastern division of the North Gipps Land district, and of the eastern [?] ...
Article : 580 wordsThe share market has been unusually dull today, and few sales have been effected. This appears to be the commencement of another lull in business at the Corner ; but in all probability ...
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The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), Sat 12 May 1866, Page 2
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