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  2. Tales of Two Cities Hobart: plenty of beer

    I HAVE just returned from Hobart--I don't know why. For in Hobart I found plenty of beer, plenty of ham, bacon, fruit, Vegetables. Traders actually WANT to ...

    Article : 561 words
  3. Rundstedt Still Fails To Break The Corridor

    THE German advance continues, but more slowly. Censorship prevents the ...

    Article : 756 words
  4. Digests

    Sexual promiscuity is, according to reports, very general throughout country towns (in Victoria), but those who ...

    Article : 176 words
  5. Lismore: what's the -- use?

    IN Lismore Court last week, Mr. A. J. Bryant, P.M., ruled the word "bloody" indecent. The ghosts of countless bullockies, diggers, larrikins, and other dinkum Aussies turned haggardly away to weep on each others' shoulders. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 803 words



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