So farewell Melbourne the Marvellous, city of towering warehouses, Parliament Houses —the new one as yet unfinished—law court, free libraries, a colossal ...
Article : 4,554 wordsThe annual Melbourne sale of stud sheep was brought to a conclusion on Saturday at the wool warehouse of Messrs. Monckton D. Synnot Bros., Bourke-street west, where ...
Article : 500 wordsSir,—The letter of Messrs. Braham and Pirani in to-day's paper is very ingeniously written, but not in accordance with facts, and as those gentlemen mention my name I ...
Article : 359 wordsSir,—Had "Exporter," in his letter in your issue of to-day vouchsafed his name to the public it would have been unnecessary to trouble you with further correspondence. ...
Article : 592 wordsSir,—Profesor Morris, in his lecture on Imperial Federation, as reported in your issue of to-day, speaks about the colonies of Holland as being sleepy. Will you kindly ...
Article : 97 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 20 wordsThe weather has recently become quite a topic of conversation here, us there has been a prolonged drought in the south, which has much vexed the minds of gardeners, and ...
Article : 2,386 wordsThe secretary acknowledges receipt of the following contributions, being the total amount raised by the Camperdown Local Branch Committee, forwarded by Mr. John ...
Article : 485 wordsSir,—Will you kindly insert this letter for the information of the numerous centres who are continually making application to me for a supply of books and bandages as issued by ...
Article : 124 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 61 wordsThere is no new feature in the money market, the payments on the recent loan issues having had no perceptible influence upon current rates which are ...
Article : 2,078 wordsDavid Ellis Dear was charged with Having been guilty of fraudulent insolvency. Mr. Chomley prosecuted, and Mr. Taylor appeared for the defence. ...
Article : 155 wordsAt the Brunswick Court on Saturday. before Messrs. Crook (mayor) and George, J.P.'s, Patrick Boyne was charged with unlawfully assaulting John Case), with intent ...
Article : 407 wordsIn connexion with the question as to. whether or not the Premier made a distinct promise to Councillor James (when mayor of the borough) that railway workshop[?] ...
Article : 251 wordsFlour maintains late rates, the export demand help ing to keep up the market. Bran is in fair demand at improved prices and other items are as last quoted. The general prices are:—Oatmeal and pearl ...
Article : 640 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Mon 31 Aug 1885, Page 7
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