NOTIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS—LAND BOARD No. 70. JN accordance with the provisions of the Land Ordinance 1962, it is notified that the following...
Government Gazette Notices : 354 wordsNOTIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS—LAND BOARD No. 71. JN accordance with the provisions of the Land Ordinance 1962 it is notified that the following...
Government Gazette Notices : 268 wordsNOTIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS—LAND BOARD No. 69. JN accordance with the provisions of the Lend, Ordinance 1962, it is notified that the following...
Government Gazette Notices : 512 wordsNOTIFICATION OF SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS—LAND BOARD No. 72. JN accordance with the provisions of the Land Ordinance 1962, it is notified that the following...
Government Gazette Notices : 283 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Territory of Papua and New Guinea Government Gazette (1949 - 1971), Thu 2 Sep 1965, Page 11
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