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  2. Government Gazette Notices

    Notice.—Communications for this Gazette should he addressed to the “InspecToe G-enebal of Police, Sydney,” prepaid. Officers in charge of fStations are...

    Government Gazette Notices : 111 words
  3. ARSON.

    Vide Government Gazette, 28th February, 1862, j?. 463. , ' ARSON. FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. Whereas it has been represented to the Government, that Barns and,...

    Government Gazette Notices : 253 words
  4. Government Gazette Notices

    Vide Government Gazette, 1 March, 1862, p. 473. His Excellency the Governor, with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint John...

    Government Gazette Notices : 183 words