Prisoners to be Discharged Free. I 3&B&TTAN of Prisoners to be discharged from H. M. Gaol, Darling* hurst, during the month of March, 1878 : Hannah Rogers,...
Government Gazette Notices : 138 wordsDeserting Wives and Families, Service, &c. A warrant has been issued by the Syduey Bench for the arrest of James Worth, charged with unlawfully deserting his...
Government Gazette Notices : 306 words' Deserters from Her Majesty’s Service. Deserted from the New South Wales Artillery, at saoutn Head Camp, on the 4th "March, 1878, Gunner Thomas J. Bishop,...
Government Gazette Notices : 232 wordsMissing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1878, page 69. Beriah Brown has returned to his friends in the United States. Vide Police Gazette, 1878, page 61. Esther...
Government Gazette Notices : 39 wordsMiscellaneous Information. Philip Lynn and Harry Kellier, summoned for publishing a libel to the injury of one Francis Hutchinson, have been committed for...
Government Gazette Notices : 1,479 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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