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  2. Prisoners to be Discharged Free.

    Prisoners to be Discharged Free. I 3&B&TTAN of Prisoners to be discharged from H. M. Gaol, Darling* hurst, during the month of March, 1878 : Hannah Rogers,...

    Government Gazette Notices : 138 words
  3. Deserting Wives and Families, Service, &c.

    Deserting Wives and Families, Service, &c. A warrant has been issued by the Syduey Bench for the arrest of James Worth, charged with unlawfully deserting his...

    Government Gazette Notices : 306 words
  4. Deserters from Her Majesty's Service.

    ' Deserters from Her Majesty’s Service. Deserted from the New South Wales Artillery, at saoutn Head Camp, on the 4th "March, 1878, Gunner Thomas J. Bishop,...

    Government Gazette Notices : 232 words
  5. Missing Friends.

    Missing Friends. Vide Police Gazette, 1878, page 69. Beriah Brown has returned to his friends in the United States. Vide Police Gazette, 1878, page 61. Esther...

    Government Gazette Notices : 39 words
  6. Miscellaneous Information.

    Miscellaneous Information. Philip Lynn and Harry Kellier, summoned for publishing a libel to the injury of one Francis Hutchinson, have been committed for...

    Government Gazette Notices : 1,479 words