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    Mr. Ivor Brown, the well-known English literary critic and novelist, has some shrewd things to say about the modern cult of psychology in his incineratory book ...

    Article : 1,516 words
  3. Book Reviews.

    This is, as the jacket says, "one of the few books available which deals with the problems of speaking from the point of view of the broadcaster," and as such ...

    Article : 751 words

    Mr. Asch's trilogy, which is equal in length to about four ordinary full-sized novels, was originally written in Yiddish. The English translation by Willa and Edwin ...

    Article : 1,225 words

    Miss England's Rhodesian stories are admirably conceived both in design and execution, while her intimate knowledge of the country of which she writes is ...

    Article : 1,003 words
  6. No title

    "The Manuscripts of Chancer'a Canterbury Tales," a critical description of their contents, by the late Sir William McCormick. completed by Mrs. Janet ...

    Article : 120 words

    Recently "The West Australian" in its anniversary column chronicled the disappearance of George Bass. Sooner or later every Australian makes the ...

    Article : 1,491 words
  8. No title

    The Welsh National Theatre has found a new home at the famous mansion of Plas Newydd of Llangollen in North Wales. As the residence of "The Ladies of ...

    Article : 104 words
  9. Creator of Trilby.

    Had Solon lived in the literary and artistic circles of London in the nineteenth century he would have had to amend the famous advice he gave to Croesus: "Call ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 1,388 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 37 words
  11. Gall-stones.

    You may tell a woman's age by the interest she takes in the subject of gallstones. That is to say, you will be able to tell if she is forty or not; and with ...

    Article : 1,567 words
  12. One Thing and Another.

    "Trat."—My friend Jock is possessed of a taste that is rare among members of his race; he prefers beer to whisky. The other dav we were discussing Perth's ...

    Article : 1,642 words
  13. Denizens of the Bush.

    Australia possesses one of the most interesting lizards in the world, in the frilled lizard. Described by some naturalists as "the most striking and original of ...

    Article : 959 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 518 words