The secretary for Public Works (Mr C. Le Cren) has received the following report from the engineer for Melbourne Water Supply, in which that gentleman recommends that an ...
Article : 4,401 wordsAn accident of a very dangerous nature, the consequences of which might have been very serious, occurred on the St. Kilda road yesterday morning, and was entirely due to ...
Article : 234 wordsThe frequent complaints regarding the offensive state of the St. Kilda road, caused by the filthy practices of the drivers of nightcarts, who lighten their loads by allowing ...
Article : 250 wordsSir,— In your subleader of this morning you remind us that next year the ground of the Western Market, and all the buildings thereon, will lapse into the hands of the ...
Article : 407 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thu 31 May 1888, Page 11
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