Denmark.—The record potato crops produced around Denmark, and the re-markable yields obtained in other districts from seed produced here, coupled with the ...
Article : 1,705 wordsThe Fremantle Post Office is being completely renovated and repaired. This picture shows the hoisting of a big new ventilator for the main ceiling. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 53 wordsThe installation of a model of a Hercules 'plane at the G.P.O. entrance to ad-vertise the East-West air mall caused considerable public interest yesterday. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 56 wordsThis picture resembles a ship building scene, but actually It is the Interior of the new £9,000 gasometer being built on the outskirts of Claremont. It will hold 40,000,000 cubic feet of gas when completed. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 77 wordsRepresentatives of the University," the Teachers' College, and Education Department met yesterday to consider the best methods of disseminating knowledge concerning the work of the League of [?]. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 126 wordsBecause the fishing fleet could not put out from the harbour in the stormy weather early in the week fish have been scarce and dear. Supplies have been so short in the Fremntle Fish Market that there have been more buyers than fish (1) Home from the fishing grounds: A single-handed fisherman bringing his small craft to the market jetty, while in the background the crew of sailing vessels are snugging down preparatory so landing their catch. (2) A basket and beg, both [?], for the market. (3) Exhibited for sale. All fish is disposed of by public [?] ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 208 wordsMr. and Mrs. Leon Gordon examining the Buick car to be used in the play, "The Flying Squad" which opens to-night at His Majesty's Theatre. Beside the actor and his wife are Mr. Stewart Robinson, acting branch manager, and Mr. E. H. Hammatt, sales manager, of the local brach of General Motors (Aust.), Ltd. The ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 143 wordsTo be made into joss sticks for the burning of incense in Chinese temples, a consignment of 2,800 tons of sandalwood is being shipped by the Japanese freighter Hakuho Maru at Fremantle. This is the biggest shipment that has left Fremantle for several years. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 114 wordsIn a little frequented part of Claremont, near the Glebe estate, stands this old ivycovered house. It was built about 70, years ago by convicts, who were stationed at Claremont working on the Perth-Fremantle-road and quarrying stone at point Resolution for the building of Government House. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 137 words{No abstract available}
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The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Fri 24 May 1929, Page 24
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