HIGH WATER THIS DAY.—Morning, 7.58; evening, 8.17. May 26—9 a.m.: Wind W., light; weather cloudy, fine; barometer, 30.15; thermometer, 54. 1 p.m.: ...
Article : 2,253 wordsThe importing houses and those of several of the wholesale firms have been closed to-day, and only a limited distributing business has been transacted. A cable message from the ...
Article : 1,489 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 1,181 wordsThe LIST OF CONTENTS OF TO-DAY'S PAPER and WEATHER REPORTS will be found on page 6. ...
Article : 20 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 84 wordsThera may be no truth in the rumour that Mr. MUNRO will withdraw his amendment upon the address if Mr. GILLIES makes a statement satisfactory ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Tue 27 May 1890, Page 4
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