There is always sufficient kinship amongst beekeepers, though they live in distant lands, to know each other's methods of management, surrounding conditions, and ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 850 wordsA division of C class submarines recently visited Grimsby (Eng.) to defend in mimic warfare the River Humber against an invasion of the Home Fleet. It is well known that officers and crews of submarines are exposed to far greater danger than men on other ships of war, for, besides the chance of being run down at sea in hazy weather, they work with about 4000 gallons of petrol in tanks under their feet, the escape or explosion of which would mean death to all. The picture we give shows the submarines at Grimsby, the great cod and herring fishery seaport of the Homeland, and should interest our readers. The rolls seen near the heads of the craft are the men's hammocks, put on deck to give more working room ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919), Wed 10 Jul 1912, Page 24
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