Mr. W. E. Clifton, the legal manager of the above Company, has handed ns the follow ing report from the mining manager— " Southern Cross, April 3. Youra of the 28th ...
Article : 122 wordsMr. W. E. Clifton, the legal manager ef the above company, hag handed us the following report from the mining manager: "Parker's Bange, Marah 30th. tn No. 1 ...
Article : 89 wordsMr. W. E. Clifton, [?]"legal manager of the above Company, has received a telegram [?]stating that the contractor [?] loaaitig the jaachiawy for the ...
Article : 52 wordsThe following notes upon the Kimberley mines by a recent visitor to the fields, appear ia the Nor. West 2Vnte of the 19th ult PANTON. ...
Article : 400 wordsMt. W. E. Clifton, legal manager of the (above Company, bas handed tis tho following report from the mining manager: "Southern Gross, April 3. [?] my last report I have ...
Article : 267 wordsRickey's Reef, coa., 2s. 3d.; Robinson. Murchison, ls. 4Jd; Blook No. 10, £5 8s. 6d.; Broken Hill colonial.register £5 16 3d,; Blook No. 14, £3 4s.; South, paid, 36s. 6d. ...
Article : 50 wordsThe following silver smelting returns for this week have been published —Proprietary 200,585 ozs. silver; British 10,750 OZB.; Centrals, 30,820 ozs., inolnding 4,025 ozs., from ...
Article : 74 wordsAN adjonrned meeting of the City Couuoil was held on Monday evening in the Council Chamber. There were present the Mayor (Mr. S. H. Parker) in the chair, Crs. Haynes, ...
Article : 248 wordsTHE Directors of the Western Australiern Bank have found it necessary to erect larger and more commodious premises for their branch at Fremantle, ia consequence of the ...
Article : 374 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 8 wordsA summons issued by a Sydney firm of clothiers, claiming payment for goode to the value'Of 5s. 6d., supplied on January 4, 1868, against Deeming, bas been received in ...
Article : 524 words{No abstract available}
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Sat 16 Apr 1892, Page 26
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