The Crown's costs in the Mercantile Bank prosecution will probably amount to £5,000. Electric lighting was inaugurated in the City on Wednesday night and proved a ...
Article : 932 wordsCharles Millidge and Thomas Carroll, [?] Bridge-street burglars, were yesterday committed for trial on a charge of maliciously wounding with intent to murder Constables ...
Article : 1,073 wordsHeavy rains, with a strong gale, have fallen Fince yesterdey,overtwo inches fallen, and heavy weather is reported all along the [?] Shipping was delayed, and there are ...
Article : 48 wordsLarge numbers of miners are flooking to the goldfields. The news of the copious rainfall has had a most [?]heering eff[?]t on all interested in the fields. The large influx of ...
Article : 95 wordsFrom present appearances the Ministers will go into committee on the estimates with a majority of two. LAUN[?]ESTON, March 11. ...
Article : 183 wordsThe washaway on the intercolonial railway line, near the M[?]rray Brid[?]e, has been so f[?]r repaired that the Melbourne expr ss w[?] able to come right through this morning, ...
Article : 698 wordsMonday, the 12the 12th inst., was a red-letter day for the l[?]nd of Rottnest, the oc[?]n being the marriage of Dr. Bad[?] resident[?] and medical officer at On[?]low, to [?] [?] ...
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Sat 17 Mar 1894, Page 24
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