There was again an excited market in silver shares. Central and South opened in strong demand, and realised good advance, but did not maintain top prices. Block 14, ...
Article : 4,861 wordsA public meeting was held last evening at the local Mechanics' Institute for the purpose of dealing with the want of additional pier accommodation at Williamstown. ...
Article : 625 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 59 wordsThe managers report:— GOLDEN FL[?]CK, Woodspoint, May 18.—Opened two drives from rise on course of lode. South drive driven 25ft., north drive 28ft. Stopes look about ...
Article : 808 wordsThe weather is still showery, and the season promises to be a most favourable one. The annual meeting of the Bendigo Science ...
Article : 161 wordsA new development has recently taken place on the Midas goldfield, between Ballarat and Creswick. The main lead, known as the Argyle, was followed by the Midas—the ...
Article : 668 wordsThe adjourned inquest in connection with the cause of death of the miners Wm. Dennis and Ambrose O'Connor took place to-day at the Town-hall, Chewton. The hall was ...
Article : 664 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 77 wordsSir,—I should like to call the attention of shareholders in the above company to the paltry amount appropriated by the directors to dividends, considering the splendid ...
Article : 175 wordsFor years past the west front of Parliament-houses, overlooking Bourke-street, has presented to the eye of the spectator a confused mass of scaffolding and an unfinished ...
Article : 2,427 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 190 wordsSir,—So many of the attempts to arrest decay in animal and vegetable products have failed when put to the necessary tests that your judgment in withholding approval ...
Article : 325 wordsThe iron clipper ship Drumpark, which arrived off the Heads on Sunday night, but was unable to enter until Monday afternoon, got up to the anchorage in Hobson's Bay yestesrday. She had to beat all the way ...
Article : 842 wordsAfter keeping the public in a state of consuming curiosity for several weeks as to the true facts of the recent Ministerial imbroglio, which resulted in the compulsory retirement ...
Article : 1,891 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 163 wordsAt a meeting of the Ballan Agricultural Society, held on Saturday, Mr. M. Walsh, vice-president, in the chair, it was resolved that a deputation, consisting of the ...
Article : 748 wordsAt the Collingwood Court on Monday, Adam Cook was charged with collecting rags and bones without a license. A fine of 5s. was imposed. David M'Cormack was fined ...
Article : 151 wordsLadies and Gentlemen,— I have the honour to inform you I am a CANDIDATE for a seat at your board at the annual meeting to be held on May 22. ...
Article : 104 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Wed 22 May 1889, Page 7
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