Ce qu[?]il manque a la France, as a very attractive French royalist lady once said to a well-known Republican leader, is un tout petit roi. It is tiresome to those ... [ILLUSTRATED]
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Advertising : 0 wordsOn Friday afternoon, Lady Stan[?]ey was the guest of the Melbourne press-women at the Lyceum Club. By her thoughtful consideration, when her ...
Article : 1,798 wordsThe annual dance of the King's Park Tennis Club took place last Thursday evening at the Picadilly. This dance is always one of the most successful of ...
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Advertising : 42 wordsMy dear Joan- I shall be delighted to see you as soon as you can come, and so, I'm sure, will the babies. Michael is quite a man and ...
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thu 14 Jun 1923, Page 36
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