When a car is likely to remain in its garage for several weeks on end, one or the other of two precautions against undue deterioration of the tyres should be taken ...
Article : 227 wordsA writer in a daily paper suggests that we are not using our horns to best effect, states a correspondent in "The Autocar." Why not adopt a code of signals, ...
Article : 225 wordsTHE NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL: Sir Isaac I saacs, in the gold-laced uniform of Commissioner-in-Chief of the Commonwealth Forces, after he had been sworn in last week as Governor-General of Australia. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 33 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 68 wordsTo the average motorist the job of figuring the increase in compression ratio due to shaving off some of the cylinder head seems like an impossible ...
Article : 139 wordsAn interesting feature of a booklet just off the press entitled "Getting the Best Out of Your Motor Cycle," is an informative article by Mr. F. G. Hicks, the ...
Article : 110 wordsA young woman, aged 19 years, living in Perth-Fremantle-road, Claremont, had an alarming experience at midnight on Monday, when a man molested her. The ...
Article : 159 wordsWILUNA, Jan. 27.—Bertrand Knight (54), stockman, of Wangawol Station, 130 miles cast of Wiluna, died in the local hospital yesterday morning from injuries ...
Article : 120 wordsOn April 26 last year, Messrs. Ivan C. Goff and Edward W. Irwin, twenty-year-olds, who had resigned posts, on the literary staffs of "The West Australian" and "The Western Mail," left ...
Article : 439 wordsIt was about midnight when our host, sipping his "medicine," suggested: "What about dropping down to Mexico?" We felt a little diffident about dropping down ...
Article : 778 wordsTHE POPE'S TELEPHONE: Pope Pius XI, at his desk, with the gold telephone set recently installed at the Vatican. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 20 wordsAt the level crossing near the Claremont railway station on Tuesday morning. William Davis (48), married, a line repairer, residing in a railway cottage in the ...
Article : 215 wordsFire destroyed the railway barracks at Meekatharra about 9.20 p.m., on Wednesday of last week, according to a telegram received by the Railway Department in ...
Article : 195 wordsMr. John Morrison, of Messrs. Rankin, Morrison and Co., who has been prominent in business circles in the city for many years, died at his home in Mount-street ...
Article : 502 wordsFor a brief hour on Monday afternoon, a small group of people on a peaceful spot on the Swan River bank at East Guildford re-captured some of the tranquil spirit of ...
Article : 338 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Western Mail (Perth, WA : 1885 - 1954), Thu 29 Jan 1931, Page 14
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